A filling is a treatment for a tooth that has been damaged. Fillings restore a tooth back to its normal function & shape while preventing further decay.
After a filling procedure, it’s important to avoid chewing on the area that is numb until anesthesia has worn off. Be careful not bite your cheek and lip during this time. Children should be carefully watched to ensure they do chew their lip, tongue or cheek.
It is normal to experience some sensitivity after having a filling placed. Hot and cold sensitivity should dissipate over the next week or so. If sensitivity does not begin to relieve itself over the following week, please call our office.
Fillings placed between teeth require manipulation of the gums, so it is normal to have some sensitivity when flossing in the area where a filling was placed. Rinsing with salt water over the next couple of days can help alleviate this sensitivity.
If you experience sensitivity when biting on the tooth that was worked on, please call the office as soon as possible. This just means the filling has a high spot and needs a light adjustment. This is a form of sensitivity we do not want you to try and live with because it will not go away on its own. The fix is an easy one, so please let us make the necessary adjustments as soon as possible.